Setting my MayoSeitz on Media
Hey there! My name is Richard Park. This summer I am interning at MayoSeitz Media in Blue Bell, Pennsylvania. MayoSeitz is specialized in media planning, but it offers more than that! MayoSeitz places traditional and digital ads for companies and organizations of all sizes and do other neat things like buying radio and analytics.
Media was a slightly different field than I thought I was going to enter. I have previous experience in full-service agencies, but media agencies work differently. This kind of work is not the same kind of flashy as other agencies. However, in this age, media runs advertising. Americans consume media constantly throughout their days. Whether it is in small bites or large media meals. Media reaches people like no other and that is where it gets its power from.
MayoSeitz is the place for media experts. Although its small, one can learn a lot. What I found interesting about media is its trackability. Impressions, impressions, impressions. What are the weekly impressions? what are the estimated impressions? Are these impressions correct? Impressions are the gasolines to the media planning fire. They let us know how many people will see the advertisement. In media planning, finding what works for your client is the priority. Clients also love to see how many people they can reach. To some, all they need to see is large impression numbers and they’re sold.
What do people love more than impressions? Two words: Added value. I sat in on a status call and heard these exact words “He doesn’t care about impressions, he cares more about getting more added value.” I mean who can blame him. Free stuff rules. Added value also drives media plans. At first, I thought it was weird. Why would companies want to give away space for free? Then, it hit me. It comes down to negotiation. Firstly, the majority of things in media can be negotiated. By giving the media planners free placements they will be more likely to come back, and it makes everyone happy. It will make the buyer more likely to commit to the company if they’re getting free billboards or even extra time on an ultra-super king bus wrap.
So, is there anything people love more than free stuff? Surprisingly yes! The only thing that people love more than free stuff is seeing that their plans actually work. Analytics is changing the media game at lightning speed. The fact that a client can see a person viewing their ad and then clicked on it is incredible. Clients eat that up. Don’t even get me started on predictive modeling. Being able to tell the client that not only we can save them money, but can even do the job more effectively drives them wild. The only downside to that is when I’m not helping the team, I’m logging hundreds of dates and impressions by hand.
The owner told me something the other day that really stood out to me; MayoSeitz doesn’t just sell media. It is more than media. MayoSeitz is in the business of trust. At the end of the day free stuff and seeing positive numbers are cool, but knowing that your money and company are in good reliable hands is even better. Trusting the agency that is doing the best job out there and really making an effort for its clients separates MayoSeitz from the rest.
In my short time at the agency, I have truly learned a lot. I saw how the job gets done, I’ve seen growth in profits, but what I learned the most, is knowing what you’re doing and trying your best gets people to trust you. Media drives advertising but trust keeps it going.
Glad to hear you had such a eye opening experience at MayoSeitz, I hear they have a great work environment. From my own experience working at small marketing agency, the client is not always right, and when confronted with the right answer trust is needed to do the right thing. I agree with you, trust between the client and the agency is of big importance when trying to discuss whats best for the client.