Social Media Saves the Day
Having problems getting the biggest advertising bang for your buck? Your client working with a small budget with big expectations? Let social media help you out. Social media has proved in the recent years to be a great tool for advertising. Though at times difficult to moderate, it gives even the smallest company the potential to have a big voice in the advertising landscape.
Even more exciting is the emerging niche social media sites. These websites, though not as heavily populated as Facebook or Twitter, cater to specific interests such as fashion or cooking. These websites are a great way to really hone in on your demographic. Want to talk to 16-20 year food enthusiasts? There’s a social media site for that. Women 45-65 who like to knit? It’s there too. Check out some awesome social media sites by clicking here and always keep an eye out for new and coming communities.
I used the power of social media while working for SA VA, a small fashion company based in Philadelphia. SA VA was a new business and as a result wanted as much as it could get from its advertising dollars but didn’t have that much to offer for a budget. I suggested that we begin to show our clothing on the popular social media site, is specifically targeted toward a highly fashion conscious community and allows users to upload photographs of their favorite outfits and rate other users outfits. With this model SA VA could not only expose a new audience to their aesthetic but also get instant feedback (free market research!).
So keep an eye on your favorite websites to chat with your friends or share your photos, they may come in handy for a client some day.