Sports and Creativity Do Mix!

I recently received the opportunity to intern at Xfinity Live!, a new and upcoming sports entertainment venue. Inside, there are 5 different restaurants, a shop, ice cream, and even a few bars! Inside, an enormous television overlooks the venue, with many other TV’s that surround it. Xfinity Live! has an incredible atmosphere, and I work in the center of it all, a DJ booth.
Even though I do not DJ, my station consists of a mac with two monitors. I usually work in the mornings, and my daily duties consist of lowering the lights (to make it more club-esque), making sure all the TVs are on and the advertisement banner is running. I fill anyone’s request if they would like to watch something on any television in the entire venue, as well as troubleshooting them. When I am not changing channels, I am usually working on graphics, which include:
- After Effects motion graphics for the LED displays
- Photoshopping any posters or electronic ads
- Creating something for an event or party
- Anything else that needs to be done
Xfinity Live! can host some pretty massive events, and you know what happens during events, everything that can go wrong usually does. I am on the technology side of troubleshooting the problems, and making sure everything works properly. One event we had Bethenny Frankel, a very famous woman, who honestly I’ve never heard of before this, visited Xfinity Live! She spoke about her book and answered questions from the crowd. One issue arose when we needed to play a small video for the one event. My challenge: Make it play on the big screen. After much fiddling around, I finally got it working.

Working at Xfinity Live! is an incredible experience. I am learning a lot, and I’m consistently learning new things! Each of the graphics, challenges, and experiences I face can be added to my resume. I am excited to keep going! I wonder what next month will bring!
I’ve been to Xfinity Live, and that place is amazing! I bet you enjoyed every minute of working there. That is a consistently fun ongoing place and I bet every day you were anxious to intern.