StyleHaul Intern Diaries
A day in the life of a Stylehaul NYC intern is interesting. I walk into an small office with splashes of colorful artwork and textured slick rugs, the office is made up of about 15 women separated by different departments. On one side of the white rows of tables sits account managers, and on the other side sits sales. The office is quiet expect for the occasional phone calls and small talk between the co-workers. The interns sit in the back section of the office. My view is the artwork that hangs by the walls. The ladies in the office work from 9am to 6pm and usually work through lunch. It’s pretty much work ,work, work in this office. I travel on Friday mornings from Philadelphia to New York City. My day usually consist of sending out products to winners on our social media outlets from contest that we set up with various clients. Some of our clients include Macys, Dove, Bobby Brown Make-up, Sally Hansen, Maybelline, Ahava skin care, and Playtex. I also create power-points for the clients to show them screenshots of their products being advertised on Youtube by our talent. Social media is another huge aspect of my day, I create pin boards on pinterest and research products for our upcoming events. I also have become a FedEx extraordinaire while interning at stylehaul, considering the fact that we send out tons of products from the clients to our talent so that they are able to produce videos for youtube giving their personal feedback of the product. I get to put together all the products for the talent, which is a ton of fun looking through tons of nail polish colors and other amazing products. My supervisor Jamie Quale is account manager for the Sally Hansen account and I work under her to make sure all the inventory is in place and ready to go. I have been working with Stylehaul since last year August. I started in Los Angeles as an intern for recruiting, and I asked to continue to intern for the company when my program ended in Los Angeles. That’s when I came to Stylehaul NYC, which is what my career path is focused on. The Los Angeles office dealt more with the talents needs and making sure that all the content and contracts between Stylehaul and the talent were finalized. They also dealt with recruiting new talent on Youtube within the states and internationally. What I like more about the New York office is that its in my hometown Brooklyn and I’m familiar with the area. That’s not the only thing i like about the New York office I also like that it has to deal more with my career and I get an insight on what goes on between the client and Stylehaul. I have a clear understanding between how accounts are set up. I really enjoyed my time at StyleHaul from the my time in the Los Angeles office to my time in the New York office.