After interning at Joonbug, I’ve realized really how much I’ve learned and accomplished in the past few months. I would label this experience as a success for me, because I was very nervous before starting at Joonbug. I have never had an internship before. I had no idea what to expect and didn’t think I was prepared to start a job. After a few weeks, I really started to learn more about the company and what was expected of me, and now, that I’m reaching the end of my internship, I feel like I went above and beyond what was expected of me.
Someone that inspired me was the Events Manager, and my boss, Sarah. Although she is only a few years older than me, she has accomplished so much. She has been promoted within the company twice and still manages to take control of our team while traveling half the week for work.
Although I enjoyed my time at Joonbug, it made me realize that I do not want to go the same route in the future. A big part of interning is learning which roles/tasks you prefer and don’t prefer, which was very eyeopening to me. I realized that marketing is not my preference, but rather, I am more interested in the PR aspect.
During my time, I learned a lot about social media marketing. I learned how to extract data from tools like Instagram and Facebook and then analyze that data. I also managed Joonbug’s social media accounts and basically all of its online presence. This allowed me to be in contact with employees in offices all over the country. It was awesome being in contact with the New York office (the main headquarters), because they helped me learn more about my job.
Overall, I had a really great experience at my internship and I would recommend it to other students in my major. I am grateful for the experience and the patience my co-workers and boss had with me. I am excited to use this as a stepping stone to finding my dream job in the future!