Teamwork? Teamwork.
One of the most important things that my internship at Sapphire Salon has taught me is teamwork. Without team work there isn’t any good work being produced.
In school you’re forced to work in groups with your fellow classmates and obviously you’re gaining team work experience there. However, at my internship I am gaining professional team work experience while also learning. The great thing is being able to bounce ideas off one another in order to come up with a great idea. Also, someone’s strengths can cancel out your weakness.
Today, I got the opportunity to work together with another intern on a grand opening event and it turned out rather well. She has a minor in public relations. So, she taught me how to effectively communicate with a client for an event. With team work comes learning new things and all this knowledge will be beneficial in the future.
Some may not enjoy team work, but I think it’s the most important thing.