Temple University Graphics Media Center : My Experience
I’ve enjoyed working at The Graphics Media Center immensely. I’ve gained a substantial amount of design knowledge throughout my time working there. I’ve been given the opportunity to do in person client consultations. This experience made me realize how much I enjoy working client side. This has been very helpful in the design process to communicate with each client directly.
My confidence as a designer has grown, as well as my communication skills. I’ve worked on many projects that I will be able to add to my design portfolio. Throughout my time working at The Graphics Media Center, I’ve learned that everyone has their own design style and ideas. Collaboration is key while working in a group design project. My coworkers inspire me daily with their personal projects, and I’ve become lucky enough to call them my close friends. We are able to bounce ideas off of each other and give honest feedback that helps us all grow as designers.
This experience has been better than I could have imagined. I appreciate the support from my managers and coworkers that have helped me grow into the designer that I am today. In regards to advice for people starting new internships, talk to your coworkers (especially those who are also new to the team). You will spend a lot of time wherever you end up working, and working with your friends makes it all the more fun.

Hi Anabel! I’m so glad you had such a great experience working at the Graphics Media Center at Temple. It seems like you not only learned a lot but got to meet some great people! Doing creative work can be so fulfilling through the projects you complete and the people you get to interact with. It seems as though your experience at the Media Center did not disappoint!