Thank you G2!
Hi everyone!
My name is Vanessa and I am an advertising student here, at Temple. I will be graduating this upcoming December and am very excited to see where I end up after graduation. This week, I am finishing up my internship at Group Two Advertising and am happy to share my experience and just some of what I am going to take away from my time there.
Group Two is a full service ad agency that works specifically with home builders. I knew that by taking this internship I would not only learn about how an ad agency functions, but also acquire knowledge in such a niche field. Eager to start my first official internship in the advertising world, I accepted the position as an Account Services Intern at Group Two for this spring semester! On my first day at the office, I met the whole Group Two team, along with the other interns, who are also Temple Owls! I loved sharing this opportunity with my fellow classmates, because it made this kind of uncomfortable intern role feel a little more comfortable.
I cannot say if this experience was what I expected, because honestly I did not know what to expect! I feel rewarded from this internship, because more than anything I learned a lot about myself and how to continue growing professionally and personally. The team at Group Two is awesome! Each person has their own unique qualities and contributed something different to the projects being worked on each day. This has made me realize that in any working environment there are going to be a diverse group of people in which you are going to have to adapt to and learn about. I also learned the balance between professional and personal communication. As an account manager, that is essential to your role at an agency and having the opportunity to watch and listen in on how team members manage their client relationships was interesting and definitely helpful for the future. Lastly, I am grateful for this experience, because I chose to step out of my comfort zone and learn the ropes of public transportation! I know this is something that I always felt anxious at the thought of, but now I feel like a pro.
I am grateful for the help from the whole team at Group Two, specifically from my mentors for being so welcoming and understanding. I appreciate the opportunity and experience I gained from Group Two, during this semester and am excited to use the skills that I acquired with my next venture.