The Beginning of the End
Hello all!
As my internship with Sodexo and the Temple Dining Services comes to an end, I realize that I learned so much from this experience and gained many positive skills.
First, I’ve learned that art direction of advertising isn’t all about the design; it’s about making the design work with the strategy to make the ad effective. In order to really get students’ attention, you must really get inside their heads to make an effective ad.
Secondly, I’ve learned how marketing orders go through the organization. We have specific events that we hold in the dining hall to add value to students’ meal plan purchases, so the idea for those comes directly from Sodexo. But branding our own products, like Baker Dave’s Sweet Treats, the marketing office at Temple decides how to do that, rather than Sodexo directly.
Finally, this internship definitely improved my Photoshop/InDesign/Illustrator skills. Going into this internship, I thought I knew the Adobe Creative Suite really well, but it turns out there is always more tips and tricks to using the programs.
This internship definitely reassured me that art direction is the track I want to pursue and that there is always more to learn!