THE Charlie Sheen… On Twitter.
Yes, that’s right. Now you can follow Charlie Sheen and all that he has to say to out loud on Twitter. At 9 am yesterday morning, Sheen decided that he wanted to start a Twitter account to share his side of the story to his fans. By 12 yesterday, he had his Twitter account approved (somebody else already had @CharlieSheen, so he had to get it approved by Twitter before he could take it.) It has been 24 hours, and Charlie Sheen officially has over 900,000 followers! This number is an immense testament to social media, and just how quickly it moves. Now that Sheen’s account has been publicized, his followers will undoubtedly grow greatly; what’s amazing, is that they went from nonexistant to 900,000 withOUT the twitter being publicized. Something cool: it is confirmed that Sheen is undoubtedly doing all the tweeting himself. It is likely that Sheen will be considered for Ad.ly (“the business of securing endorsement deals for celebrities on social media”). Might I remind you, that this has all happened within the last 24 hours? Amazing!
Check out Sheen’s Twitter here
P.S. in the time it took me to write this post, his followers count is up to 1,211,000. Geeze.
I was waiting for this post. It had to happen. Meanwhile, he’s only tweeted 21 times but 1,221,454 people still seem to have the NEED to follow him. For those who haven’t checked out Ad.ly, the concept is an interesting one—on Twitter, celebrities “tweet” about your brands (for a price, of course).