The Dream Machine
Before starting my internship at Magic Hat Brewing Company I had no idea what I was in for. I guess I imagined my days to be monotonous and filled with busy work, like every other intern. But this internship couldn’t be farther from a boring day to day job. As the Philadelphia Magic Hat Merry Prankster I have a lot of responsibility and basically am given the support and tools needed to run my own Merry Prankster program for my area. I work with our wholesalers to build a relationship between bar owners and Magic Hat.
When starting my internship my first job was to sell the Prankster Program to my 30 accounts, which are local Philadelphia bars. There is a level of persuasiveness that is needed in this. This has definitely taught me how to talk to our accounts and be persuasive, similar to what how we are told in our Advertising classes that we will have to pitch an idea to accounts. I feel that this alone will really aid me in my future. After all my accounts were sold into the Prankster program I then had to start booking promos. These promos are small events that I book and execute with the help of my boss. Ultimately, I have control over the promo and how successful it is. During a promo I sample one of our beers on draft to consumers at the bar and basically talk to them about our company and what makes us different. The key here is to really be authentic and not sound like a spokesperson. After the promo I have to submit recaps on how well the promotion went as well as keep track of my accounts and how they are doing. At the end of month I receive a recap on how my efforts in the field have effected our sales. It’s really great to see how my job is directly effecting our sales in the Philadelphia area.
Overall this job is not what I expected because it’s a thousand times better. I couldn’t have imagined being offered a job at such a great company and I can’t wait to see what is still in store for the rest of my internship!