The Yes Man!
I am interning at Digital Force Agency an agency specializing in social media marketing and events marketing/planning. I have been interning here since late November of 2017. When I originally started interning at Digital Force my role consisted of creating social media posts for three different restaurants twice a week on Facebook and Instagram as well as periodically looking at the analytics behind these posts and the pages in general. My experience with analytics soon began to wow my employers (thanks Dan Hall), and when they would ask me to run analytics for other clients, I would always say yes. I did this for two reasons: one, it allowed me to stand out in my position at the internship and solidify my role as a key part of the company; two, it also allowed me to hone my analytical skills and I was able to go from manually tediously collecting the analytics to learning how to better use the software at my disposal to get the same results faster. This was step one of being a yes man.
The next step came late in February when my boss asked me if I would be interested in making some extra work by selling sponsorships and vendor spots for The Philadelphia Beard Festival the agency was planning for the end of April. I was uneasy about this but I said yes figuring that I could use a little extra cash and I would be learning a new skill. Turns out sales came fairly naturally to me. Though I suppose my experience at Temple’s Alumni Calling Center helped with that, as well as what I learned from Ad Sales. My boss walked me through the initial process of the types of companies we were looking to target and the general messaging I could use in my emails and phone calls. He also provided me with a sales deck and a list of previous vendors. I started out small gathering a few return vendors which helped to ease my nerves and break the ice. I eventually was able to secure a national brand as the title sponsor for the event as well as helping to generate a conversation between Digital Force and the main interactive event surrounding the Beard Fest. By saying yes, I was able to bring home a nice bonus and learned a new skill that I am now considering for a potential career.