There’s no harm in asking.
During my time at Abbysoul Productions, I have learned the value of outreach and asking for things, even when you think it’s a long shot. My official title is Event Marketing Intern, but throughout my time there, I have been tasked with reaching out to businesses and potential customers and allowed to use my discretion when crafting the messages.
Because of this leeway, I decided to take a risk and message We Are Jersey Magazine (the company I work for is based in NJ) about potentially doing a spotlight article on my boss after our first event had concluded. To my surprise, they responded and published an article about her in the following issue.
I felt more assured after that, so I thought, “Why not message some more people and see what I can actually achieve?” I chose to contact a few event venues in New Jersey and proposed a collaboration in exchange for a discount on the rental cost of their event space. One company responded with great enthusiasm, and we have scheduled a call for later this week.
I felt like this was an appropriate message to share because it has given me the confidence to reach out to businesses and ask for what I want, and I know this is a skill I will be able to carry on with me through the rest of my career.
Hi Georgia,
This was really interesting to read. I am so glad that you were able to do something outside of your comfort zone. I am sure your boss was overly impressed with you. Congratulations on a job well done!
Hi Georgia, I also am serving as an Events Intern currently. I am also often tasked with outreach for our Events and can definitely relate that it can feel risky and like a long shot at times when reaching out, especially as just an intern. But I think with practice and with strategic decisions when it comes to this outreach is essential to it potentially working out in the end.
I think that you bring up a really good point, you never know until you ask. At my internship our community screams what they need all the time and we often encourage it because you never know who is in the room who might be willing to help you. The same went for how I got my internship… I asked if there was any chance I could help out and here I am still working and loving my job! I’ve experienced crazy events and met amazing people along the way… all. through the power of asking.
Hi Georgia, it’s nice learning more about Abbysoul Productions and all you do to contribute to it. I definitely need to do some further research and learn more about what goes on in the company you work for because I’ve always been interested in event planning but haven’t had much knowledge about the industry. If you read this comment, I would love to hear what your favorite event is. Having said that, I just wanted to give you some feedback on your blog because I thought it was inspiring/relatable.
In the past, I’ve always thought that asking questions or speaking up was a bad thing. I thought that if I said something, it would mean that I wasn’t smart enough to hear it the first time or that I’m being annoying to the person I’m speaking to. However, as I grew up, I learned that asking questions has more positive connotations as opposed to negative connotations. Asking questions makes it easier for you to remember the subject at hand and it answers any questions others may have. I see myself asking my professors and mentors questions whenever I want reassurance or am just confused and 9 times out of 10, my educators are glad I said something instead of submitting work that’s incorrect. The lesson here is that asking questions leads you to better outcomes, which is obviously prevalent in the examples you gave.
Your ability to take risks is admirable and will take you far in life once you graduate from college. I aspire to have as much confidence as you and make as many connections as you did.
Good luck with the rest of your internship and I hope you continue to find more good opportunities to work on while you’re still at Abbysoul Productions. I can’t wait to hear more about your experiences if you plan on posting here again in the future.
Good for you for taking a risk and reaching out for something that you want!That’s an amazing confidence boost and goes to show that your hard work is going toward something.
Such a great lesson to learn! I feel like I’m still learning that there’s no harm, but I’m getting better at it. It’s advice that you always hear from people who are older or more experienced than you, but you don’t quite get it until you *get it.*