Transgender Flag Raising
While serving as a writing intern at OogeeWoogee.com, I’ve had the chance to cover several compelling events. Most recently, Thursday, June 4th, 2015 the City of Philadelphia raised the Transgender flag in honor of London Chanel and the many other Transgender people who have been murdered because someone did not agree with their chosen lifestyles. Today is a bittersweet moment, because while the flag is raised in response to these tragic events, it is the first time in history that the Transgender flag will be raised next to the United States of America flag.
Photo cred: laspeechtherapysolutions.com
Covering the flag raising was a true learning experience. I worked for the week prior to successfully write copy that will accompany the video footage. I have also been tasked with creating a social media campaign that incorporates which hashtags, images, and tone will be used to present our footage of this monumental moment to the world. This experience was extremely rewarding and took my copywriting experience out of the classroom and into actual work.
Featured image photo cred: fusion.net