Two Worlds Combine
When I first started working at Temple Small Business Development Center as a Creative Consultant, I had just transferred from a major in Graphic Design into Advertising and I wasn’t sure if this switch was going to work in my favor or not. Fortunately, it has helped me and gave me more of an advantage than I ever thought possible. I am able to apply the graphics skills I learned and pair it with my knowledge of Advertising (target audiences, etc.) to help clients create the necessary creative package they need to succeed.
During my first meeting with the client I’m able to ask them a series of questions, such as who do they want their customers to be, or about their business, to get an idea of how to form their logo and I’m not sure if I would know to do these steps if in a different situation. Through my research classes, I have learned to look up competitors and compare logo styles and look for inspiration.
Sometimes the client doesn’t know exactly what he or she wants and you need to be able to paint a picture for them. Without my creative background, it might be harder to form ideas but I have the skills I need to jog my mind and think of ideas that can turn into successful tools for any business I am working on.
With knowledge in my two backgrounds, I was assigned projects that fit my ability which kept me interested in all of my projects. As time goes by, I am helping with flyers and other advertisements as well for SBDC itself. I am also learning more of a business aspect by sitting at weekly meetings and talking to other consultants around to me to see what role they play at SBDC and the overall bigger picture.