Unforgettable is Red Tettmer’s mantra but it is also what my experience there has been. Yeah, yeah you can call it corny but it’s true. I never would have thought when I visited Red Tettemer on an agency crawl that I would be interning for them in only a few months. I was given an amazing opportunity that isn’t given to many sophomores let alone sophomores with my minimal skill level. It is really crazy how much I have learned since starting my first day. When I stepped out of those elevators on the 24th floor on my first day, I only knew a small amount of Photoshop and Illustrator. Now I can say that I have a pretty good knowledge of Photoshop, Illustrator and InDesign. I’ve seen first hand what goes on in an agency and the day to day tasks. I’ve seen the dedication and passion that people have for their work and when they put everything they have into a pitch, staying until the early hours of the morning to make sure that everything is perfect. Working at the agency has shown me that this is something I am really passionate about and something that I know I will love doing in the future.
I am hoping to change my major to Graphic Design next semester and I would never had made this decision if I hadn’t taken this internship. I think that having a background in both Graphic Design and advertising is priceless if you are looking to become a creative or art director.
This internship has taught me to have more faith in myself and my capabilities, to ask for help when you need it and to keep persisting and putting the work and you succeed. I don’ t always have as much confidence in myself as I know I should. I know that if I follow my drive an my passion, I can accomplish great things. I only hope to accomplish and learn more at Red Tettemer because I was asked back for the fall semester!! I am so excited to continue my experience and keep learning. Advertising is my passion and I can’t wait to continue working on clients and watch to see how they progress. There are so many exciting things coming up, including a cornhole tournament in the elevator lobby! The people at Red Tettemer are really inspiring and have helped me learn so much.
Everyone should strive to be unforgettable with everything you do, you never know who’s paying attention.
Check out the incredibly awesome office if you haven’t already!