UO Summer Client

What a dream come true it’s been working at Tierney this summer. From the initial first step it was all surreal. Anxiously waiting to hear our client we all couldn’t help but wonder and chat on who it could be, and then it was revealed, Urban Outfitters. This all was such a rush and the most exciting point in my career by far. I was working with Urban Outfitters to pitch a huge campaign for them by the end of the summer, and it has been all things fun and crazy. On August 6th, I will give the most important and nerve racking pitch I have ever given. Me and my team will present to not only Urban executives, but to my whole Tierney agency, CEO included. While I’m nervous, I have never been more thrilled to show the world the talent I’ve been dying to unleash. Never give up on your dreams or think nothings possible. I know a lot of people say that but it is true; with hard work and dedication, anything is attainable.
Working on an Urban Outfitters campaign sounds like a lot of fun! My friend works at Tierney I heard nothing but great things about them. I hope the campaign turned out great!