Week 3
I couldn’t be luckier to be an intern at LevLane. The experience I’ve gained in the past three week overshadows months I may have spent elsewhere. I’ve been fortunate enough to meet and learn from some seasoned veterans in the business. Jerry Selber is the senior copywriter and his suggestions and wisdom are something I one day hope to achieve myself. Another copywriter, Matt, has also helped me hone my craft. His ability to think within the confines of space has helped me to think smaller. Bernbach would be proud of my progress.
As for assignments, I’m often asked to proofread anything from floor plans to postcards. About four times a day I read over ads that are on the verge of publication. By looking over near complete work, I see the tendencies and nuances of writers, as well as designers, and will remember the lessons I’ve learned from each one.
However my favorite part of my time here is the writing I’m asked to do. Today I was given the job to come up with a new headline for bounceback coupons for KFC Atlanta (see Colonel below). The headline is to encourage consumers to return while also including the main benefit, boneless chicken. I have until Tuesday to compile a list of suitable headlines, which will be reviewed by Jerry. I can’t wait for Tuesday.