What I’ve Learned As A Two Paperdoll
My desk and computer in the web department.
As my internship at Two Paperdolls draws to a close, I reflect back on this amazing experience. Being able to work directly with the web department, an area which I hope to focus my career in as a designer, I’ve gained some invaluable insights.
One of the most impressionable insights I’ve gained this summer is the necessity to work with a client in a mutually beneficial manner. I’ve always been taught that the client comes first and at Two Paperdolls, I’ve learned that the client is also the reason you’re doing work in the first place. As a creative, it’s difficult to place this in perspective but extremely necessary in understanding what deliverable they’re looking for. And throughout the entire web design process, upholding a helpful relationship is essential towards designing the best work. It is not only beneficial for the client but also for the employees internally, as it allows for a smoother work flow and process. And by doing so this is where the best creative work is derived and how it is consistently created.
Additionally I’ve learned how essential the creative process is, after establishing a client relationship. There are multiple steps involved in the end product of a finished website and each step, from site-mapping to developing, is necessary for a successful and functional site. The need for detailed consideration of audience, tone of voice, graphic language/style, layout, organization and overall function is vital. This allows for Two Papderdolls to create the best possible finished website successfully fulfilling client needs while staying on strategy.
The main area for client meetings and reception. I’ll miss Two Paperdolls!
Overall my experience has made me a stronger interactive and web designer, as I’ve learned of tools, processes and standards of the field. I only hope to take the wonderful experience I’ve gained from working directly in the web department with wonderful developers, designers and creative directors and utilize them for future positions and endeavors.