Why Do I Need Life Insurance?
-Mike Carbonaro
My Internship Experience at Guardian Life Insurance Company
Hello, my name is Mike Carbonaro and I am a Junior at Temple and I’m at the Klein College of Media and Communication. I started my internship on the 6th of June at Guardian Life Insurance Company. I work 40 hours a week and I am a paid intern. This experience has taught me that nothing that is worth it is easy. I struggled the first few days with just working 40 hours a week, I was exhausted and inundated with information that intimidated me. I feel now that I have had the time to preform my own “trial and error” session without having the pressure of getting fired because at the end of the day I am an intern, and I am there to learn. I’m very interested in Sales, I work in client management now, but I feel that sales is a totally different animal, I’ll have the freedom to “make my own paycheck,” and the harder I work the more I succeed. Working in Small Group Sales (SGS), was very fulfilling, I feel that doing things for small businesses is super important to keep them up to date with “Blue Chip” businesses. I’ve met so many people and they’re all so friendly and helpful in my endeavors. The experience was completely different than what I thought. I thought I would be under constant surveillance and/or be the gofer/coffee boy when in fact that was not even remotely the case. I wish I would have prepared better by researching the industry and having a solid foundation. If you’re looking for an internship, I swear you need to cast your net wide and get on a call with someone as soon as possible, I wasn’t much to look at on paper but when I met my managers, they made their decision before the call was over. I’ve gained a very strong base of knowledge of the industry and just an overall understanding of how Guardian operates. I’ve also made connections that will help me excel in the industry and just business in and general throughout my career.
Hey Mike! I remember us having class together last semester, so it’s really cool to see the things you’re doing now. You definitely hit on a lot of things that resonate. The sheer amount of information that can be thrown at us at the beginning of these positions can be seriously overwhelming, but you really hit on the ‘nothing worth it comes easy aspect’. It’s all about taking things one step at a time, a concept I think we can say we’re better versed in now than before, and so much better off for it. I really admire your willingness to take on the sales industry. It’s a fast-paced world that requires a lot of instinct and charisma, but those are two characteristics I recall you having no short supply of. Best of luck with your future endeavors! So glad to see things are looking up!