Work with Stream!
I am currently an account management intern at Stream Companies. Going there three times a week is something I actually like to do. The atmosphere there is very laid back, fun and serious at the same time. The experience thus far is teaching me how to complete tasks by deadlines, communicate with people in the office setting, and all around act more professional and learn things that account managers take care of. I am on the account management track in advertising, so I have always been interested in that field.
I have noticed that my job at this internship and my previous internship at Harmelin are similar in a way. I was an ad operations intern at Harmelin, and Google Analytics was really big there with gathering data and tracking campaigns. At Stream it is encouraged for the interns to pass the Google Analytics test, which I am going to be taking in the next couple weeks. I guess my point is this- last year at this time I actually had no idea what I wanted to be doing with my life upon graduating. After my two internships, I learned things that I had no idea about, such as Google Analytics, reporting, where money comes from, what money is spent on, who is in charge of accounts, and what accounts even are. To tell the truth, I was somewhat clueless. I encourage everyone to look for internships, and get as many as they can throughout college. It honestly taught me and is teaching me all about the industry. Classes do as well, but to get hands on experience will really help with figuring out if the industry is the right fit for you or not. I love the advertising/marketing industry, and I am planning to stay in it.
Aside from the working experience, I also meet awesome people. I still keep in touch with people from my last internship, and even meet up with them at times. They became my friends, but still try and help me move along as well and check up on me. Right now, I am also meeting a lot of people, whom I become connected with. I work aside another intern, and we work together on everything. It’s nice to have a “partner in crime” and also communicate and figure things out together. Internships give you a great experience not only in the industry but socially too. I am very excited to continue my experience now and in the future.
Check out this link of a sample video Stream puts together: (They are entertaining!)
This was very insightful. As an account manager myself, I’ve always wondered how work atmospheres vary from industry to industry. I’ve only ever interned in strict environments. I imagine you would choose the laid back atmosphere over a strict one?
Michael Joell