Working for JPMorgan Chase within the inaugural Virtual Internship CLDP Class
Today was the first day of the last week of my virtual internship with JPMC. I will admit that I am feeling bitter sweet by the fact that I have to end. I was trying my best to stay on as an extended intern during the school year but unfortunately due to Covid they aren’t extending any extra internships. This experience wasn’t how I expected it to be being that in the years prior, interns are placed on teams to work as direct reports under managers and now this year, we are all following suit on a mock case study to present to the firm. Overall, everything I was preparing myself to come into was shifted. I also now have to do an exit interview for why I would like to remain with the firm and why I feel I deserve an offer. I am extremely grateful to still have been offered an internship bing that so many companies had cut their programs without thinking twice. This adjustment from in person to online has just been hard to navigate being that I’m typically an introverted person. Its a lot harder to prove yourself online versus in person as well as show the small characteristics of yourself that people don’t typically notice unless you are together. I think conveying my personality via Zoom calls has been the most uncomfortable because its just kind of weird and not really the most normal when speaking to a bunch of higher up executives. It kind of makes me nervous. I wish in the beginning of my internship I had made my personality a but more noticeable instead of being a wallflower because now in the final week I’m questioning did I do enough these past weeks, not even in terms of my work or projects, but just with the little things that people notice.
I think more than anything, this experience has taught me that no matter what the circumstance is, you have to put your best foot forward, and always put your best foot forward. Be grateful, ask questions, but not too many questions, and make it known that you want to be there. I have my exit interview tomorrow morning and I’m so nervous! I find myself often being so consumed about the future that I forget to live in the present. I think that is what this experience taught me the most.
Below I attached a screenshot of one of the projects I have been working on this summer. I thought this one would be interesting to show because for this specific project, my pod group was assigned the task of opening a Chase branch but ridding of the $718,000 deficit over the next two years. It was a challenge at first but my team and I came up with a phenomenal solution!