Workplace Culture at The Philadelphia 76ers

This Spring Semester 2012 I have been interning with The Philadelphia 76ers. When people find this out, they always ask me how it is working there. I’m going to use this blog post to talk about the workplace culture at The Philadelphia 76ers. I feel like this is important to know for those who are interested in working there. Personally, I wish I knew about the workplace culture and environment of the prospective places that I want to be employed at. Workplace culture is important because even though a business may be in the industry you are passionate about, the workplace culture of a particular business may not be the right fit for you… you have to find the right fit for you.I wish there was more information on the inside scoop of each businesses’ workplace culture.
Interning with The Philadelphia 76ers has been a fun and cool experience so far. The workplace culture there is amazing and it fits perfectly with my personality and what I look for in a workplace environment. My bosses are super cool and they help make you feel like you are part of the organization. They try to develop a personal relationship with you which is great because it helps to break the ice and make everyone comfortable. On down times in the office we often talk about our favorite TV shows, how our weekend was and what we did, etc. I feel like this is good because it makes the office a more relaxing place where you can be yourself and feel comfortable working with each other and it also helps you to learn more about the people you work with. Although we have to be in business casual attire, it is still laid back and relaxed. We share jokes and laughs daily but when it’s time to get tasks accomplished, we work together to get it done. The people who have higher positions than you do not treat you like you are inferior to them, they treat everyone with the same respect and it’s really easy to fit in. Everyone there likes to have fun which is great when you can have fun while you’re at work while producing quality work. On down times in the office, you can walk around the arena, watch the players warm up on game days, watch sporting games on the flat screen TV’s or get a bite to eat at the Cure Insurance cafe and bar. During game days, the company provides a free buffet dinner for all the employees which is great because we are there all day and game don’t finish until 9:30-11pm (depending on when the game starts). Everyone there seems happy and seems to love what they are doing. It’s a great, fun, happy, and pleasant environment working with The Philadelphia 76ers.