Wouldn’t it be nice?
Hey! It’s Amber Volponi, and it’s my last week at Temple University, College of Health Professions and Social Work (CHPSW) in the Communications and Marketing department.
So all summer, I’ve been working on the College’s office monthly newsletter. I was also given the task to update information on the website, and create new photoshopped banners for the Nursing Department and the Kinesiology department. Because the new website was being launched, I was also given the task to write some copy (and if you know me, I’m not that great with writing copy. I usually leave that up to my best friend, who IS a copywriter.) I’ve also been proofreading pages and making sure links worked, that sort of thing.
But my favorite project I was given was the Photo Gallery Project (which sadly, I will not be able to finish). It required me to make contacts in EVERY department within the College of Health Professions and Social Work, which means I had to contact the Chairs of Social Work, Nursing, Kinesiology, Communication Sciences and Disorders, Public Health, Rehabilitation Sciences, and Health Information Management. SEVEN DEPARTMENTS! Within each of those departments, there was someone else I had to contact; it was a very long process. But I got to go and take photographs of three departments, which helped me build up my photography skills. Since it was summer, there weren’t a lot of students and/or faculty on the campuses for me to be able to take photos that were needed for the departments, which is why I only got three.
During this entire internship, I got to a little bit of everything. I really got to get my feet wet and got to experience a lot. Going through this entire experience though, it has taught me a lot about myself and my expectations for a job when I actually finally do graduate. I know that a small agency is for me, but definitely not an in-house agency. I would prefer to work on several different projects for different brands/companies, not just one company. I know I would feel uncomfortable working at a larger agency, because I feel I do my best work when I’m surrounded by a small number of people who give me their full attention, whereas that wouldn’t be the case at a larger agency. This internship gave me a lot to think about, especially as to the thoughts of one day opening my own agency with my best friend. We may have to put that dream on hold for a long time, just until we can get enough experience and clients under our belts to really understand the full resposibility that would come with that. But think about it? Wouldn’t it be nice to own your own agency, where you get to make the decisions?
Goodbye Temple University, CHPSW. It was a very interesting experience.