770 Behind the Line: The (unofficial) J.Crew blog

One blog I love to get a well rounded insight and inspiration from is the 770 Behind the line: (un)official Jcrew blog. Fashion, design, and photography all in one place. Yes, you can probably find that anywhere these days, but I am loving the color palates in particular. They also often talk to in house designers and other various employees, which is great because I will take any advice I can get! I try to make a point to pay attention to what the people that have my (hopeful) future job say. I’m probably not the first to tell you this, but always keep an eye out for inspiration anywhere, and take in any advice you can get (even if its bad, you can still learn from it!)

Check out the Jcrew blog.

One comment

  1. Thank you for THIS inspiration, Katie. I haven’t yet seen this blog and I look forward to checking it out in more detail.

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