A pleasant surprise
I have been continuing my first internship here at Finch Brands for a few months now . Finch Brands, for those who aren’t familiar with it, is a Philadelphia based boutique branding agency located in Old City near 3rd and Chestnut street. For me Finch Brands was a perfect fit for what I needed out of an internship. Finch is a smaller business, but they work in all parts of advertising including creative, strategy, research, account management etc… This means I get a little experience in everything.
When I began my internshipI was an advertising major with a creative track in copy writing. From all my experiences copy writing for my classes I thought I would focus on getting a career in the creative end of advertising. After taking part in real copy writing work during my term at Finch I realized that it really wasn’t the type of work I wanted to do.
On the flip side my internship helped me to realize I that I really like working in the research & strategy side of advertising. My title at Finch is “research and strategy intern” so naturally I get a lot of this kind of work. I’ve helped with all kinds of research, from surveys to focus groups(sitting behind the one-way glass during the focus groups was so cool!) and I love it. Which is the opposite of how I felt from my experiences with ad research in classes, I originally wanted nothing to do with it.
While my internship has taught me a lot about advertising the most important lesson for me was actually a very old one, “don’t knock it till ya try it”. I thought I knew what I wanted to do just from what I had learned in my classes, but now I know I should try my hand at everything, because you never know what you like or what you might be good at.
Hi i’m Juna.
I was reading your blog and Finch Brands it is actually an agency that i am looking to apply for the next semester. Getting a little experience in everything would be really helpful for me to decide which track should i take. I was wondering if you’d be willing to share any specific advice on what they look for in their applicants or what the interviews are like? Or anything about your experiences with applying? It would be really helpful.
Thank you