Being the first intern
Something I do not think many people actually get to do at this point in time is to be the very first intern a company ever has. So far being the first intern has been such a rewarding learning experience for not just myself but the company as well. Every week I show up and get a list of things that need to be accomplished including social media posts updates, social media trend updates, branding, merchandising, ordering of products, etc. As I go through the work I am supposed to complete, I almost always improvise from the way that they want me to do it in order to bring a more modern work environment into the office. As I learn from them, they learn from me which makes it a very healthy relationship in the office. Also being the first intern, some would think that there is a stigma regarding what I would be working on. Luckily for me, everyone on in the office knows I am not the coffee guy. The CEO of the company came in on the first day to let everyone know that I would not be here for coffee runs as I am being paid to actually get the work assigned done. I believe I am setting down a template for the next Intern they choose to bring aboard the company. It’s awesome to know that I am leaving not only a legacy, but a way of doing everything for the next intern that comes aboard. They’ll be able to do pretty well.
It’s also been such a pleasure to work with everyone in this company. Being such a fun loving company, the office is never a dull place, and everyone is so open to teaching anything and everything. This has been one of the best experiences professionally that I have ever had.
It looks like you found a great internship and found it to be rewarding! Some internships, as you have mentioned, can be unfulfilling. Setting the standard for how the company runs its internship program carries a high responsibility with it and it sounds like you did a great job at it. Being in a work environment where people benefit mutually from each other leads to growth for not only the company, but the individuals. Great to heard you enjoyed this internship.
I think it is so cool that you are the first intern, you will definitely set standards for other interns to follow in the future. It sounds like this is a great learning experience as well as professional experience !
I can imagine that being the first intern for a company can be intimidating. I am glad that they made you feel a part of the company from day one. I feel as though as that is the most important in a work environment.
Being the very first intern definitely seems like an intimidating task! It’s really great that you took the initiative to modernize tasks to make them more efficient and worth while for not only you, but for the company as well. Since you’re the ‘guinea pig’ it will only help the future interns excel even more and in turn help the company grow and flourish in the meantime. I commend you for jumping head first into something that may not have ended well, but you for sure made the best of it!
Thanks for sharing Sam! Being the trailblazing intern for any company seems pretty daunting. But, I enjoyed reading about how the experience was beneficial for both you and the organization. The CEO coming in to set things straight about you being more than a ‘Go-for’ set the stage for an internship that could offer you some real learning opportunities. Hopefully you left a lasting mark so that they treat their future interns with the same respect. Or perhaps they’ll hire you and they won’t need any more interns!