Brain Snacks
When it comes to Lego vs. K’nex, I have always been a K’nex kid. I received a huge tub for Christmas one year and loved them. The creative freedom that came with K’nex was so much more extensive than the restriction I felt with Lego. I also created the stereotypical K’nex roller coaster in junior high. When my friend came to me two months ago saying d4 needed more design interns to work on K’nex, I was so excited. Not only was I way more familiar with that product over Lego, I actually liked the brand and product more. The project guidelines blew me away; they had an idea to market the brand and raise awareness that I thought was very unique. On my first day at the company, I jumped right into the project and we all began brainstorming for the creative direction of this new marketing idea.
K’nex pieces were scattered all over the agency that we were encouraged to play with for ideas, and I felt like a kid again. We all know advertising can be fun, especially if the client itself is fun. There’s nothing like playing with toys as part of your job description.