Control room tour at NBC
Starting an internship at NBC was an exciting issue for me. As the supervisors
introduced themselves to over 40 interns for the fall semester, everyone was
excited to work in their separate department. I have interned for marketing
positions and web designing positions so media related internship was quite
new subject for me. Rather than learning more on the advertising aspects,
I learned lot about the large organization system, and how it operates
connected to the advertisement between TV shows.
After I am finished with my daily tasks, which mostly deals with uploading
TV sections, I can look around the building or learn different materials or
information in different departments. This day, I was able to get into the control room, where the producer
controlled the live shows or news right in hand. On one side, advertisements were running where main station
of the company organizes and runs on air. Not only in TV, but through morning shows or news, the company
has meetings or cross promotions with local residents or businesses for awareness and benefits.