Every Pandemic has a Silver Lining
2020 has been an interesting year to say the least. We’ve all been graced with the phrases, “these unprecedented times,” “during all this uncertainty,” and more during the era of COVID-19. Unfortunately, the words following these phrases usually aren’t that great. My Fall ‘20 internship, along with many other students, was cancelled.
After indulging in a small pity party for a week or two, I began the search all over again. I honestly wasn’t expecting anyone to get back to me, every submitted application felt like a shot in the dark. But luckily, a rare opportunity presented itself to me. I reached out to a local Philadelphia marketing agency, 215 Marketing, to see if they had any internship opportunities available.
In my initial email I detailed my skills and interests, and they actually ended up tailoring a specific internship track based on where my interests and their needs aligned. Since then I’ve gotten the opportunity to practice my strengths by creating custom graphics, proofreading and writing copy, and generating blog content. 215 Marketing has also taught me complementary skills like writing onsite SEO for web content, using Google Keyword Planner, and so much more.
Overall, I’m really happy and grateful to have had the opportunity to work, learn, and grow at 215 Marketing. I am also really excited to have been able to plant my roots here in Philly. From the beginning of my search, I was very focused on working somewhere local so it’s been really nice to experience the process of a Philadelphia agency. As a copywriter, I always envisioned myself strictly on the creative side of things, but it’s been very informative and fun to work with a team that is more business minded. Despite 2020 wreaking a havoc on just about everything, I see this internship with 215 Marketing as a silver lining.
I love and relate to your story, Hala! I too had an internship cancelled because of the pandemic, and started to search for new opportunities but felt hopeless. But like you said, every pandemic has a silver lining, and it is great to hear stories of students like ourselves that were lucky enough to score an internship during these crazy times. We are all tired of hearing about the “new normal” but unfortunately it seems like it will be like this for a while, and there is nothing left for us but trying to create our own opportunities. Your story is inspiring because unlike most students, you reached out on your own to showcase your skills and abilities instead of accepting the lack of jobs out there. Good luck on your journey!
Hala this was such an interesting read! I am an advertising major so I enjoyed seeing you are into copywriting! Im glad you had a great experience with 215Marketing. Your internship seemed very fun and organized despite the challenge of the pandemic!
I went through the exact same process, so I can feel the struggle. COVID-19 has definitely put a damper on things, but its so amazing that your internship has allowed you to grow and actually place you in the area of expertise you want to be in. It seems like this could be a little jump-start for your future, which is so exciting! Congrats
I know exactly what you mean. COVID-19 has been super hard on everyone. My internship was remote and I so wish I was able to go in the office and see the team. I feel like the experience would have made it 10x more real and influential. I am also so happy you found a good place at 215 marketing! I have found a great place to intern and the experience for me has just been great. I have connected with so many people and have learned so much from so many of my colleagues. Even though my internship is remote, I still enjoy it a lot and always am excited to work. I hope you have find much success and I am so happy you found your passion!
Loved the post. I can relate on having internships rescinded because of the pandemic, it’s a tough time but I’m glad you were able to gain this experience at 215! It’s great to hear they tailored a position just for your abilities, congrats!