Gotta Be a Go-Getter

Aside from designing some really cool content at Maiden Media Group, I have found that my favorite part of my internship has been immersing myself in a variety of other departments and activities. We have been taught in classes and heard from guest speakers for years that the best way to make an impression on an agency, and also learn the most, is to make an effort to get involved in any and all aspects of the agency. Just because I am a design intern doesn’t mean that I am interested in limiting myself to just that.
My first week here the PR and agency advancement team asked if any of the interns had any extra time to help with a new in-house project. As the other interns said they were swamped for the day, I said I would be able to help. I made sure to get my work done early, and sat in on a brainstorm for Old City Creative Corridor, a new branding project to brand Old City as the creative nook of the city, just as there is the Avenue of the Arts located in Center City. My risk paid off, and I am now working on the creative aspects of the project such as posters and the website because I have knowledge of the project. This also led to me getting to step away from designing and walk around with one of the PR representatives of the agency all afternoon today talking to local businesses about attending workshops and meetings in order to network in the area. By getting to do this not only do I get to learn new things, but also improve my skills on pitching a product to others, which is something I would probably be less familiar with if I sat at a computer designing all day. Now I have become closer with multiple agency members I probably would not have worked with otherwise, and a few of them have talked to me about helping them write press releases, implement social media, and create data sheets of local business information. I’m more than excited to work in different parts of the agency so that when I do get a job, I will be more prepared for whatever gets thrown my way. All in all, it is important to make yourself as diverse as possible. You can never acquire too many skills, help too many people, or be interested in learning too many things. Being a go getter definitely pays off in life, and in internships sometimes, too.
Hope you get a chance to work with Cortney during your time at Maiden Media!