Gozaik: The Twitter Resume
A friend of mine actually tweeted about this great new company today called Gozaik, a social job application only that is saying goodbye to 8.5 x 11 paper resumes and hello to job-landing digital, mosaic-style multimedia resumes. Gozaik’s services use Twitter as a way for young professionals to search and apply for jobs. Students and young professionals who utilize the service will find help in marketing themselves more effectively via their social media, something that many top employers are paying particular attention to today. The services are also given to employers who are searching for the best and brightest talent on the market.
Need a little more convincing before you sign up? Check out the strong tips Gozaik has to offer up on video, education and experience, skills, location, images, Facebook and Twitter. The company also presents the core five beliefs of what their team shares, showing their understanding of the needs and wants of the market they are servicing, and how they can meet it.
You can get started by signing up via Facebook, Twitter, or your email. The company has an interesting service and strong need in the market of young professionals, speaking from the heart of a college student about to graduate and enter the world of job searching, resumes, and crossed fingers.