Hearst Creates Its Own YouTube Channel
Print isn’t obsolete just yet, however magazine companies are well aware of their need to expand their content and increase ad dollar revenue through other mediums. Hearst Company, which produces magazines such as Cosmopolitan, Esquire, and Town & Country, will begin producing several YouTube-hosted TV shows in the near future. YouTube has put out $100million in an attempt to expand its audience by sponsoring a variety of new content from large corporations – Hearst being one of them. YouTube has given Hearts $10million to kickstart their “Hello Style” Channel, which will feature shows such as “Sexy vs Skanky” via Cosmopolitan’s already established column, and “Big Girl in a Skinny World” via Marie Claire magazine.
Would you tune into a magazine-inspired YouTube channel for a more dynamic way to get information, or would you consider this to be just one more thing to add to your already overflowing daily social media plate?
Source: Adweek