How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age – A Book Review
This book offers priceless advice on how to build, maintain and even stand out in the digital space.
Dale Carnegie’s novel, How to Win Friends and Influence People in the Digital Age, is a timeless novel outlining core principles and techniques to building genuine relationships with others through a digital viewpoint. This book offers priceless advice on how to build, maintain and even stand out in the digital space. Listen to my book review to learn more.
The digital landscape is an extension of who we are. Even though people like to hide behind their screens, it can enhance communication as well. This book seemed interesting as it gave valuable ways to make your communication style widely accepted. I think aspiring leaders should read this book as it details ways to make your influence genuine.
This book sounds very logical and full of logistics for personal branding! I can see it being hard in the digital age we are in, because people post things without thinking about it’s permanence. I want to read this book now because I really want to get more knowledge about digital media from someone whose methods are not originally digital based.
As Kristen said above, the digital landscape is an extension of who we are. The way we use technology and mobile media platforms to express ourselves is just as important as how we express ourselves in person. The example you used about the Eagles team member is a prime example. His career was instantly ended because he posted one derogatory tweet that he probably didn’t even think twice about. Today, your digital footprint is very important when you are trying to break into an industry.
I agree with how the book can feel repetitive, some of the advice given, while good, is pretty well known for a lot of people. However its good to see that the book recognizes that this advice is still timeless and the digital age does not mean that these teachings are useless.
Claire, you have such a nice voice for radio/podcasts! I would listen to other stuff you do if you ever consider making content like this in the future! But I understand your frustration about the uniqueness of the content in the book. I think because we’re students in advertising currently this information is so well known to us already, but this book may be helpful for senior advertising professionals who started out in traditional formats. Regardless, going over the core social guidelines is always important – especially highlighting the Eagle who tweeted offensively without realizing it. In order to stay afloat in our cut throat society, you need to be aware of the rules of social and the rules of society at the time.
I think if you have’t taken any digital, pr, or social media courses, this book would be a good foundation for the principles and practices you would learn. You have to be careful with how you’re portraying yourself and the brands you represent online, especially now since it has the ability to go viral for everyone to form an opinion on.
I think that brands should pay attention to the “me-ism” that is going on in todays digital space. With their advertising, they should be sure to get brand ambassadors to help advertise their product. Knowing that people are highly influenced by one’s online presence, I would find the appropriate people around the web to share my products.