Intern 101: 10 Tricks
Internships are a great way to gain experience within the field of your choice, develop occupational and personal skills and make lasting connections. I thought I would share a few of the things that I learned while being an Intern. Tips, tricks and tactics for success.
1. Proofread EVERYTHING…… Especially in the advertising/media industry. Things move fast and pressure to get things out can make you feel rushed but always cross your T’s and dot your I’s. Read everything 3 times; have someone else read it. But remember that everyone makes mistakes.
2. Just because it’s there doesn’t mean you have to eat it……..The office where my internship is located has a snack bar. It is always fully stocked. We also have a freezer full of ice cream. That is all I’m going to say about that.
3. Bring a sweater, blanket, shawl, space heater or SOMETHING…….. Offices can get cold. If your office is generous with the AC, start leaving a sweater at your desk.
4. Verify everything…… Not sure about something? Ask.
5. But know when it’s best to just figure it out yourself…….. People are busy. If it’s something important/out of your knowledge, wait and ask. If not, see if you can do it on your own first.
6. Personalize your space……. To make yourself more comfortable and make those around you more comfortable. My space is filled with flowers and pictures of Bill Cosby and Michael Jackson in Temple sweaters. Obviously. Home is where the Cosby is.
7. Create a system…… If there are multiple tasks to be done and your desk is swamped with papers at all times, try to find a way to use the space and organize. Organized chaos=my specialty.
8. Technology is great but paper still reigns supreme……. Technology can be unreliable. Sometimes printers don’t work. Sometimes computers break down. Always have a hard copy.
9. Take notes……. Literal ones. Not mental notes. It makes it easier to keep track of tasks, the order of events and importance. Also makes this much easier when you have to put in time and remember everything you did during the day/week.
10. Enjoy yourself…….. Eventually you will be old and jaded. Smile more. Be friendly. Take joy in your job and soak in the experiences.
Weber Shandwick Worldwide via Baltimore
This is a great list for any advertising student looking for an internship. I wish I has some guidelines like this before I stepped foot into my first internship. #1 should be in all caps, bold and in red. If I’ve learned anything it is to quadruple check any work because there are almost always minor things that can be changed. #9 is also something to live by because there is just so many things to learn everyday that must be remembered. I think sometimes as students we think we know it all but reality definitely sets in when we are placed in a professional setting.