Interning in the Fitness Industry
Having interned at two entirely different fitness facilities within the Philadelphia region, I have acquired considerable knowledge about what is necessary to run a successful, profitable business. Currently, interning for Trap Door Athletics has been a unique and educational experience as I have worked diligently to help this 1-year old company increase public awareness while steadying its feet. Hired as an advertising intern, I was thrilled when informed I would be needed to assist in event planning, thus allowing me to dip my toes into something new.
During the first few weeks, I maintained focus on controlling social media updates with the goal of attracting new followers, as well as blasting frequent reminders to current followers. With a demographic primarily consisting of CrossFit athletes, I had a tremendous opportunity to observe “health and fitness” from a different point of view. One of the first and most important things I learned in the process was that everyones idea of “healthy” is different. Ten weeks ago, I would have fought to the death to convince someone that peanut butter is one of the healthiest post-workout snacks. Now I am aware of the healthier alternatives that appeal to this client base.
I’ve also learned that attention to minor details is critical as it has the potential to break a company in certain cases. Unfortunately, I learned this through experience when I posted a status including a major brand name, with which we are unable to directly affiliate. Immediately, I was told to remove the status in addition to receiving an explanation as to why this inattention to detail may have brought major issues for the company, such as a law suit. Thankfully, it was caught early enough, but I am glad it happened because I consider this to be the most important lesson I have learned thus far.
Although I had planned on interning within a different industry this summer, I am appreciative and satisfied as I approach my final weeks. This internship has provided me with the opportunity to reflect on my prior internship with an established fitness facility by placing me in a totally different type of environment, a new business venture. I learned what to expect working for a start up company, the struggles one might encounter, and how to surpass them and be successful. I would absolutely continue to work for this company (if offered) if I was not heading back to school in a few weeks, as my co-workers and environment are nothing but wonderful.