It’s not Goodbye, It’s See You Later
Wrapping up my time at Esquire has been so bittersweet.
This summer I worked closely with designer clothes, attended fashion events and photo shoots where I learned roles between fashion directors, designers and stylists. Aside from the glamour, I spent most of my time looking through Esquire reserves dating back to their first issue in 1932, where I pulled information that will be released in Esquire’s upcoming 80th Anniversary issue in October. I’m very excited to see the finished product after focusing so much time on this article!
The hardest part about leaving Esquire is having to leave everyone I met. I’ve built timeless relationships with co-workers and interns that I am devastated to leave but ultimately know I will see in the future!
Thanks Esquire for everything, the last 3 months have taught me so much that I will take with me forever.
Above is a picture of the last night I spent with my friendterns at an Esquire cocktail hour held at the Onassis store in SoHo.
Olivia J. Riordan
Wow Olivia,
It sounds like you had a great experience working for Esquire. It’s awesome that you had the opportunity to attend fashion events and photo shoots as an intern! I too am going to be sad about leaving my co-workers at the end of the semester but I feel extremely lucky that I had the chance to work with them. Although I’m not going to see them as much as I do now, I know they will be there to help guide me in the right direction once I graduate.
Your fall internship sounds like my dream internship! I have a love for both magazines and fashion, and my goal one day is to work for a magazine in NYC. I am wondering how you went about the application process. Did you simply send in a resume and they called you in for an interview? Also, was it difficult commuting to New York every week for your internship from Philadelphia? I am also wondering if the stereotypes of just being a coffee runner when working as intern for a magazine held true for Esquire magazine. Did you feel like you were treated as a respected employee?
Lindsday, my internship at Esquire was a dream! I actually connected with Esquire through http://www.freefashioninternships.com if you’re interested I would definitely suggest checking it out.
For myself as well as my fellow interns I had the opportunity to stay in the city during my internship; however, thanks to the $7-11 Megabus rates I was able to make the occasionally Philly festivity on a week night and make it back to NY the next morning before work. (I would also like to say thank you to coffee for those nights)
At Esquire my daily duties kept me extremely busy, in fact, I was given the opportunity to do work other magazines don’t even offer entry level paid employees. So personally, I wouldn’t say my internship fell under that stereo-type. I did once grab a coffee for my boss, but I do believe I offered.
Actual Esquire employees were very respectful and very busy. They were all very sweet and offered smiles as well as help when needed in passing. I would blame an unappreciated feelings on strict, busy and stressful schedules.
Good luck landing your very own dream internship!