Magazine Pulls “Real Women” from their LinkedIn Network for Spread
Marie Claire magazine recently launched a thrice-yearly supplement aimed at the working woman called “MarieClaire@Work”. Brands such as Buick and White House Black Market are among several advertisers in the issues, but Marie Claire decided to make this supplement personalized to the every woman in more ways than one: namely, using “real” women as models. In fact, these are women that they have screened professionally and whose personal stories and advice agreed with Marie Claire’s @Work brand message. The issues strive to connect with their readers on a deeply personal level, and are working to achieve this by relating to the every woman as much as possible.
Do you think this is a step in the right direction for fashion ads? This makes me wonder: by picturing fuller-figured women who’s body types more closely resemble a majority of the female population, will this allow these women to better visualize themselves in the clothes and in turn make them more likely to purchase what is being advertised?
Source: AdWeek
I do feel that this is a step in the right direction for many brands, esp. those that are of a more realistic nature (White House Black Market vs. Gucci) for an average woman to purchase.