New Livestrong Logo Unveiled
The Livestrong Foundation has recently released their new logo in an attempt to emerge from Lance’s previous doping scandal in order to focus on the true meaning of the foundation. The foundation has legally changed the name from Livestrong to Livestrong Foundation in order to position the brand towards forward movement and its unique role in the fight towards curing cancer. The focus is less Lance and more cancer and meeting the needs of those in the cancer community.
Executive VP-Operations Andy Miller unveiled the logo at the annual Livestrong “State of the Foundation” address this past Thursday. During his speech, Mr. Miller further explained the change by stating: “The change is subtle but it is substantiative. The position of the bars suggests forward and dynamic motion.” The bars act as the natural step toward progress and the future for cancer survivors. The Livestrong Foundation have served over 2.5 million people and hope to continue gaining support and aiding the efforts towards a cancer-free world. With a mission to separate Lance’s scandal from the foundation, execs are determined to keep the Livestrong Foundation alive.
To view Andy Miller’s full speech click here
For more information on the Livestrong Foundation click here
Weird that they aren’t using the new logo on their site?
I thought so too and was surprised that the site didn’t seem to be updated at all especially since the logo was featured on adage.