The Value of Mentors
A common word of advice from guest speakers that I have met through classes, Temple Ad Club, and Philly Ad Club, is that you should find a mentor to guide your throughout your career. It’s important to find someone who has experience and wisdom to provide you with so that you can be better prepared for interviews, decisions on the job, and overall career advice in the industry. I’ve heard a lot of professionals who generally find mentors at each job they go to or through networking opportunities such as Philly Ad Club or other industry events around the city.
I was recently directed to a global organization called SheSays that runs free mentorship programs and events to women in the creative and marketing businesses. They have a program named “Who’s YR Momma” in New York, London, and Sydney. Mentorship is free and you just have to agree to the frequency of meeting times with your mentor and location of the meetings. If you ever decide to work in the industry in New York this is an incredible resource to use. They also have many events at their various locations that are great for networking and business advice if you ever get the chance to make the trip.
Temple Ad Club is actually following the advice of these business leaders and launching our own mentorship program this year. We are currently matching up the mentors and mentees and will be revealing the matches at our launch party next week. f you would like the learn more about the process or to apply for an open spot email tac@temple.edu.