Ad agencies really are as fun as professors say they are

My account management internship experience at the Brownstein Group has been very positive.  It is interesting to see how everything you talk about in ad courses actually happens in an agency.  From account managers constantly meeting with the creative team to discuss client wants and needs, to deadlines constantly having to be met.  Other than my observations about how efficiently the agency works, I have noticed how much fun people have here.  At an agency, especially for the creative team, having fun is essential for creativity to flow.  Every now and then I’ll get an email saying, “Rock Band on 6.”  In most other types of companies, playing Rock Band during business hours would seem absurd.  In an ad agency, this sort of thing is typical.  Creative blocks can be overcome by taking a break and, in this case, by playing Rock Band.  I’ve also noticed the relationships people have with one anther.  People are constantly joking and talk about the weekends they spent together.  Building relationships allows for a more fun and stress free environment.  This is not to say Brownstein is not a serious company.  The amount of work everybody does here is overwhelming.  They get their work done and know when it’s appropriate to have fun.  Building relationships is an essential thing I have learned here.  It makes for better communication and better work.  I am curious as to what other agencies do to allow their creativity to flourish.

Carly Ambrose

One comment

  1. That sounds so awesome Carly that people take a break from their work to play rock band. This is why I love advertising because people get work done but also know when to step back and take a break so they can get their best work done once their minds are cleared a bit. So is there like a game room at the agency for people to go to and distress without bothering those busy at work? I’ve toured several agencies downtown in Philly and noticed a majority of them either have a game room or the entire atmosphere as a whole is very playful and relaxed. Although there is no rock band being played where I intern (Quaker City) there is always music playing within the office and huge funny paintings on the walls as well as big bold letters spelling out “Hang In There”. This creates a fun relaxed atmosphere that helps to keep the creative juices flowing. I’m glad you are having such a positive experience at the Brownstein Group!

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