Crash, Burn and Victory

My internship at WMCN, an independent television station outside of Atlantic City, NJ, has given me a great opportunity to observe and be a part of the television industry. Though most of my days consist of close captioning local infomercials or shadowing the editing process, about two weeks into my internship I had the chance to be part of a three man crew at a infomercial shoot at a car dealership, The Jeff Dambrossio Auto Group, in Downingtown, Pa.

About a week before the shoot, Justin, the station’s head producer, jokingly told me that our shoots were cursed, because on the last two there had been nearby car crashes, one right behind him while he was filming. Sure enough, halfway through our day we were interrupted by the loud screeching of tires and then a row of honking vehicles and cop cars on the highway directly across from the dealership.

This was about three hours into a long day of eight standing in a smoldering hot parking filled with so many new and used cars even I, the intern who was keeping track of the models, was starting to get dizzy.

Needless to say we finished the shoot. Two of the dealership’s salesmen kept their momentum going, with a little help from 5-hour energy shots, and announced the price, year, and features of over sixty vehicles while the three of us from the station filmed each take, took 360 degree shots of the cars and the interior, and kept the model and price documented for post production.

This was an amazing opportunity for me to be a part of something that encompasses two of my biggest interests, advertising and production. I was able to observe client/producer relationship, operate professional equipment, and see an infomercial come together from start to finish. About two weeks later I found myself in the broadcast room close captioning the final cut.

Although the day in the hot sun was much longer than I expected, and I walked away redder than some of the Dodges being carried, overall the shoot and the entire project was a “V”ictory.


Also, the client was pleased with the end result. The most important thing.



  1. Hey Mike. It is good to see that you’re gaining a lot of experience. It’s awesome that you’re getting to touch some of these commercial shoots. Is there any more you will be doing while still interning? I’m sure a turtle neck would cover your “v”ictory just fine.

  2. Hey there Tony!

    As far as out of studio shoots go I haven’t been on any since D’ambrossio car dealership, but a couple weeks ago I was able to operate a camera for an in studio press box baseball discussion for a Philadelphia sports magazine. Any chance I get to operate professional equipment is always a rewarding experience.

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