Discovering Interest in Internships

My name is Mia Iannucci and I was offered the position of social media intern at Padula Media in May of 2021. That is where I fulfilled my 3-credit internship as well as discovered deeper interests and passions of mine. Padula Media is a vibrant new company with a hard-working close knit team that grounds themselves in the roots of digital storytelling. Imagine, capture, inspire, are the three pillars that Padula Media fulfills for every client with whom they work. They believe in providing tailored digital value that best prepares a client to reach the most digital marketing success. Padula values the clients that they represent through sharing their stories of how they came to be. Engagement with the current audience they have is just as important has approaching new audiences by building a strong network for them. Lastly, through inspiration, Padula Media combines the clients unique brand and Padula’s digital skills to inspire audiences.
Now, I was able to write that because for past month and half, I absorbed and came to an understanding of everything Padula Media is through my internship. Working as a social media intern under their Social Media Specialist, taught me valuable lessons as well as introduced me to interests of mine I will carry with me into the start of my career. I learned about content creation for a wide range of clients. We ran social media for realtors, contractors, a funeral home, an Irish pub, a chiropractors office, and much more. It was the exposure I received to so many different brands, products, and services that I was able to grasp Padula Media’s consistency and approach to all their clients. They tailor social media packages and approach to the client at hand but through and through each company they work with receives just as much dedication and hard work as the next.
The team that I worked with, while it was rather small, introduced me to my interest in small businesses. I loved the environment at the office and being around people under 25, all working to make money, build one another up, and test the limits. Padula Media’s founder, Thomas Padula, has become a great model of success for me throughout my time there. He started his journey of entrepreneurship around the age of 17 and hasn’t stopped since. Now 22, he is instilling confidence in his clients through building their digital footprints and allowing them to experience everything Padula Media has to offer. I learned from Thomas and the rest of the team the levels of success that can come from working as one and always bringing my best ideas and attitude to the table each day.
Throughout my internship, I became more and more interested in client relationships and the content creation for their brands. I was able to sit in meetings with clients and take part in the conversations. I understand the value that comes with being present and available for your clients. Being personable and remembering things that clients shared in the past will serve me best throughout my career in this industry. I also took interest to listening to their feedback and creating content that made them happy. Sometimes clients are not sure what they want to see exactly. That is where Padula Media comes in to create the content that a client couldn’t put down on paper.
All in all, I discovered interests in the position that I never knew I had. I was not only introduced to new aspects of digital marketing and digital storytelling, but I was offered a paid part-time position after my internship ended. I am happy to be a part of the Padula Media team and even more thrilled to have gained the knowledge and experience necessary to being my career.
Hi Mia,
It was great reading to read about your internship experience with Padula Media. I also have an interest in small businesses so it was great to hear what you thought about working in a small business. I am currently interning at a small business as well and I can totally see why you enjoy working at a small business. Also, congratulations on receiving an offer after your internship, it seemed like you earned it!
From everything I have read from your blog post, it seems like this was a great internship. While I had not heard of Padula prior to hearing about your experience, the description you gave painted a very vivid and fascinating picture of a company anyone would love to work for.
As someone who is also currently working an internship, I love to hear that you were able to share your thoughts and ideas with the company. This notion of collaboration is so important. I also was happy to hear how huge of an emphasis there was on client relationships. This is definitely a very crucial aspect of the industry, and I think that this is a skill that will help you in all of your future professional endeavors.
Overall, I am so happy to hear that you enjoyed your internship and were offered a position with the company. It sounds like you were doing a lot of hard work as the social media intern and I am thrilled to hear it paid off!