Get the scoop on account management possibilities!
To get a glimpse at the account management and research aspect of advertising, I recently interviewed William Cook, 21. He is currently a student in the account management track here at Temple, and shared some great advice on this area of the industry, and what you can do with it.

DW: “Where are you currently interning?”
WC: “Finch Brands”
DW: “How did you find out about this internship?”
WC: “Through Jennifer Lovrinic, Advertising Professor.”
DW: “Did you have an interview before you got the job? If so, what questions did they ask you during your interview?”
WC: “I did have an interview and it was pretty standard. I sold myself by talking about my passion for branding and my desire to learn about the research behind it. I had a lot in common with my interviewer and we were able to have a good discussion regarding my role within the agency.”
DW: “What are some of the most important things you have learned at the internship so far?”
WC: “Some of the most important things I have learned are the value of research and the amount of blood, sweat and tears that go into branding and brand development. It’s really a tough field!”
DW: “What is the most challenging thing you have faced so far at your internship?
WC: “The most challenging thing that I have had to deal with is getting used to a whole new system and way of doing things. I came from Red Tettemer, which is a very creative and free-flowing environment. Finch is a different animal (no pun intended).”
DW: “Have you acquired any new computer skills?”
WC: “I have been forced to use a PC for the first time. If it is a skill dealing with Windows, then yes!”
DW: “Did any classes at Temple help you to prepare for this internship? If so what classes?”
WC: “My classes helped me a great deal. Intro to Research, as well as Strategy and Positioning gave me a good foundation that I could build off of.”
DW: “Have you made any important contacts since you’ve been there that could possibly help you in the field of advertising?”
WC: “I would think so. It is a small agency, yet there are some really great individuals on staff.”
DW: “What would advice would you give to somebody who is interested in interning there, or somewhere similar?”
WC: “I would tell anyone that is looking for an internship to keep their options open. I am in the account management track at Temple, yet my job at Finch is research. Try something different for a change, because if you don’t then you will never know what you might be missing!”