Gettin’ Use To The Big Apple
Hi! My name is Shannon Vo and I’m a senior majoring in Advertising, concentrating on account management. My internship at Legacy Recordings is coming to an end. Before interning at the record label, I had only been to New York City twice. Now, I can somewhat say I know my way around. Waking up every morning on the days I go to the city is horrible, but worth it. I never really thought that I would ever get an opportunity to intern in another city besides Philly.
My experience at Legacy Recordings has been so amazing. The people are great especially my supervisor. He’s someone I can always go to if I need help or advice on the music industry. I have made so many friends from Sony employees to interns. The memories I’ve made on the 20th floor will always be some of my favorites. I’ve learned so much from these three months that will help me so much in the future. I didn’t think New York was the place for me until I started my internship for Sony Music. Now, I can see myself living there for a very long time.