Intern Somewhere That Is Useful to You!

I intern at an Marketing and PR firm called Philly2night where they do promotional events and promotional material on the website for the companies that they sponsor. Philly2night knows whats going on in the city of Philadelphia and posts the news everyday on the website to keep its followers informed.

Originally I used to be a journalism major before I decided to switch to advertising spring semester of last year. When looking for an internship for advertising I couldn’t really find one that I liked enough or one that I was even eligible to take because I’m not that experienced with the major yet. I am going to go down the creative track in advertising and you need to know certain programs and take certain classes before interning for a position like graphic design or something like that. So I decided that I would take an editorial position internship at a company that came off as really cool and interesting to me at a place called Philly2night. Even though I decided to switch out of journalism and go into advertising instead, I wanted to make sure that I was making the right choice of switching so I figured taking this journalistic internship would verify that it was not the right career path for me. We’ll, turns out I was right. It definitely is not what I want to do in my future and didn’t give me any experience with my future or major at all. Originally I thought that taking this internship would be a good thing because maybe it would open up my eyes to new things or maybe make me realize that I did want to do something with journalism or something along the lines of journalism but it did not and was kind of a waste of time in regards to my major. At least I now know I don’t want to do journalism in my future but now I will have to get another internship before I graduate that is related to my major or else I will have no real life experience with my major before going out and trying to get a real life job. Getting another internship will be hard for me because it’s my senior year next year and I’ll be really busy and am taking a lot of credits. So, I definitely recommend finding a major that you think will give you experience with your major and that will help you out in your future endeavors. Even though it didn’t really help me out with my major, it was still a very fun job.

Even though it didn’t give me much experience, it did teach me more about writing professionally and journalism which could potentially help me out in my future anyway because it socially interactive. So, I’m not saying that this internship was a COMPLETE waste of time, because it was still fun and helpful in some kind of way, but I would still definitely recommend everyone to get an internship directly related to your major and future career choice!


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