Internship @ Fox Update

It has been about three months since I have started interning, which is so hard to believe! I cannot get over how fast the semester has been flying by. I am delighted to say that I have been enjoying my position as a Marketing/PR intern in the Dean’s Suite at Fox. Each day I am giving new duties, which keeps things interesting for me because I am experiencing everything that goes on in making a company operate.

One thing I really admire about the full-time staff I work with is the amount of respect that they have for the other interns and I. We are treated like a true part of the team at Fox, unlike the role of stereotypical intern who’s job is to bring the boss’s coffee or sharpen pencils – that is not the case for sure! We are each given assignments that directly  add to whatever project is happening within the office. Lately I have been working with one of my bosses on improving relations with Alumni of the Fox Programs through campaign research. I also work first hand with budget input, which I have been told is a large part of being an entry level account manager on the client side of the business. It has been very influential to work first hand with the director of marketing and communications because I am seeing what goes into targeting a certain demographic in different geographic locations. A huge part of this at Fox is Facebook Advertising, which I am getting a feel for in a behind the scenes. I now understand the process you must take to develop an ad. on Facebook, and the different options one has to making it run on the right people’s profiles- it can get quite intricate!

Overall, I am very happy with the experience I have gained at Fox, and I look forward to sharing even more!

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