Legality Issues as an Intern

Working as an intern at the Office of Sustainability I have run into many legal issues with design. So far at the office I have to make sure certain brochures and fliers are approved by Temple authorities. One example of a legal issue that I ran into was the use of the Temple “T”. I am not allowed to use the T without permission and I also must not make a T that looks like the Temple T in any of my work. This past Spring I was creating a banner for Campus Sustainability Week and on the banner is a nontraditional looking T. It was approved by authorities because there was a concern about it looking too much like a Temple T. Another example of legal issues I just ran into the other day was for another flier I had to design. On the flier I placed the image of a female lounging on a beach, there was more to the flier, but the issue was that I needed to create another flier with a man on it for reasons being sexuality equality and also for a potential women exploitation. The flier had did not have any crude or demeaning assets to it, but for the future I will have to keep in mind the issues involving sexual equality.

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