My MOD Journey



My name is Lacy Balistrieri and I have been interning at the March of Dimes Southeastern Pennsylvania Division since August. At first I was thrilled at the opportunity, but confused on what I’d actually be doing. The first couple months were tedious. I’m not sure if my original boss felt it risky to delegate her work to another person, or just gave me menial work because she didn’t recognize my strengths yet. Eventually I started working with various people throughout the office because I was completing tasks too efficiently for my supervisor to keep up with. I grew close to her as we came to know each other better, but unfortunately she left March of Dimes for a different position. It was a blessing in disguise.

A senior community director named Alexis recognized I was a hard worker and kept me around spring semester so I could finally receive credit at Temple for my effort. Alexis has taught me so much about event planning from creating a program book, to reaching out for sponsors, to fundraising and event logistics. She discusses with me context behind the work I do which allows me to realize even the most tedious tasks hold a great importance in the long run. By far, the most rewarding experience I’ve had was seeing everything come together at an event. I worked on The 20th annual Transportation, Construction and Building awards luncheon for months and was able to work the event on March 12, 2013. This was the first event I worked on from start to finish the whole way through. It was truly gratifying to be involved with raising thousands of dollars that day for babies during Fund the Mission. It was an experience I’ll never forget. I look forward to March for Babies next month because the Philadelphia walk will be my last event. I love that I get to work with and meet so many strong, amazing people that inspire others. I’m very thankful for my first supervisor at March of Dimes that took a chance on me and granted me with so many opportunities.


20th annual Transportation, Construction and Building awards luncheon

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