My Publisher Developed This

Hello! A quick introduction, my name is Jake Lumley, I am a senior advertising major here at Temple University working towards a double major in Account Management and Media Planning.

Hello! My name is Jake Lumley, I am a senior advertising major here at Temple University working towards a double concentration in Account Management and Media Planning. I currently work at DMiPARTNERS in the Publisher Development team.

The experience at DMI was incredible. Going into the internship I had the goal of learning something brand new and to take every opportunity earned and soak up everything my team was able to teach me. The internship went exactly like that. I was able to be a part of an incredible team that was so in tune with teaching someone everything about the industry. I was specifically working in the affiliate marketing space; something that isn’t given a lot of attention in school. This allowed me an incredible opportunity to learn the ins-and-outs and adding to my resume, which is exactly what happened. My time at DMI has taught me many things such as: working in a team environment, how to talk directly with potential partners, the importance of great communication with clients, and what the day-to-day life looks like in the agency world; however, there are many more intangibles that I am learning every day that are preparing me for the agency life after college.

I worked with an incredible team. That team has so many people to look up to and great role models. During my time there, I was able to meet so many people who are incredibly successful in the advertising space and they were not much older than me. This was incredibly inspiring for me to see someone who has obtained such success in the same timeframe to which I aspire.

Anyone who is looking for an internship in the advertising field should do everything they can to land an opportunity at an agency before they graduate. It provides so many upsides moving forward into your career. My best advice is to research, research, and research through LinkedIn, Glassdoor, Temple’s Handshake, or any of the career services at Temple. The most important thing is don’t get discouraged if your get a few rejections. You never know what’s waiting around the corner.

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